Baird & Hayes are experts in seeking the correct Approval for your Business.

There are several scenarios that can play out for you and your new business, some but not all are listed here (from “cheapest/easiest” to “most expensive”):

  1. Adaptive re-use of the existing / historic Development Approval for the property.
  2. Minor or Other Change to the existing Development Approval.
  3. A new Development Approval for a Material Change of Use (MCU) for your commercial, industrial or business use.

Sometimes we find business owners sign a lease agreement for a fixed term without first reviewing whether they would need to do one of the above things first.

This may lead to Council issuing you a Show Cause Notice or Enforcement Notice for carrying out Assessable Development without the appropriate Approval.

At Baird & Hayes we would always recommend doing the homework first before signing the lease. It usually takes no time at all and you then know for sure what you are up against in the short or long term. You can then re-negotiate the terms of the lease before signing, or find another tenancy.

If you’ve signed the lease already…no stress! We can still carry out our investigation and provide advice as to the requirements to satisfy the State and Local Government Planning legislation.

In any case we would recommend our “desk top study” starting at $500 + GST. We can cater our initial review to suit any of your development goals and objectives, time constraints and requirements.

Our overall fees for preparing planning applications or other documents for Council / State are based on:

Our team are ready for you! Call now on (07) 3812 2076 or “contact us” using our website form.