With the way the present day operates, it is as important as ever to ensure we make use of the vast array of planning resources made available on many fronts. Since the implementation of the ShapingSEQ South East Queensland Regional Plan in 2017 and the Planning Act in 2016, State and Local Governments alike encourage the planning process to remain as ‘applicant driven’ as possible. What this means is that the opportunities to make a difference within the planning sphere are theoretically endless for both developer and submitter (as an opponent or proponent) – so long as the relevant planning instruments are suitably complied with.

Furthermore, whether you are a developer, or a submitter for or against a proposed development, you should first try to familiarise yourself with the Development Assessment Rules found here on the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning website. The DA Rules, together with your Local Government Areas Planning Scheme and Policies (for example, Ipswich City Council’s PD Online found here), guides all interested parties through the planning assessment process.

Baird & Hayes can assist any developer or submitter, at any phase of the development assessment process. We can simply inform you about what you need to keep an eye out for, or we can investigate deeper and advise as to a ‘where to from here’ after we learn more about the matters at hand.

If you would like to know more about how we can help, please contact the office here.