Ipswich City Council are currently preparing a new planning scheme in response to the unprecedented growth across the region. Set to be completed by 2024, the Draft Ipswich Planning Scheme looks to help facilitate this increased development within the community.
The “Statement of Proposals” for the Draft Planning Scheme was open for public consultation in the middle of 2019. As a response, Baird & Hayes made several submissions to Council for consideration.
Council’s website (click here) details an 8 step process for the preparation, completion and implementation of the Scheme.
Currently, Council is up to step 4 – State Interest Review. Following a period of over 3 years, ICC have submitted (on 8 August 2022) a full Draft Scheme to the State Government of Queensland. Until the State Government have reviewed and recommended changes, the Draft Scheme will not be able to move on to step 5 – Public Consultation.
Baird & Hayes believe the Public Consultation process is the most important part of the preparation of the Scheme. Whilst it is important that the Scheme is technically correct from a Local and State Government perspective, it is our view that it is more important that the Scheme is informed and shaped by our community.
We will again be making submissions on behalf of landowners and other interested parties when the Public Consultation process becomes available, which at this time, may not be available until early 2023.
So, what can we expect?
At the very least, Council will make the following changes (among many others):
– Broad changes to zoning with a focus on increased density around shops and public transport;
– Updates to Flood Mapping having regard to recent flood events;
– Strengthen protection of character and amenity codes;
– Reduced opportunities for infill development in established suburban areas.
Council have taken quite some time to get to where we are today. You may wish to follow the ‘Shape your Ipswich’ page to stay up to date on the new Ipswich Planning Scheme.
What could this mean for you?
It’s important that you do not wait much longer, we encourage you to consider lodging an application today! This is because some of the changes to the Scheme may have a negative impact on development potential of your land.
Baird & Hayes are up to date on requirements of the current Planning Instruments for Ipswich and the surrounding regions of Somerset, Scenic Rim, Lockyer Valley, Toowoomba Region, Brisbane and beyond.
Please contact the team today so we can get your project moving. Please use our contact us form or call the office on (07) 3812 2076.